tambayan pinoy tv replay

tambayan pinoy tv replay

tambayan pinoy tv replay
Instagram: TheseDamnQuote ??
tambayan pinoy tv replay
A heart that loves is always young.
Always be positive. Don't let negative people hold you back.
Be strong, no matter how hard things may seem.
boys: -I like you -I'm talking to 2 other girls -but I still like you -trust me
Dear Someone, Do you ever think of me and smile? cause I do it all the time.
Don't cry for someone who doesn't deserve your tears!
Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it will happen.
Every relationship is different, so don't compare yours to the next, or listen to the comparison of others.
Forget about what everyone else say or think. If it makes you happy, go for it.
H.O.P.E = Hold on. Pain ends.
I always want someone I can?t have.
I don't know why they call it heartbreak. It feels like every other part of my body is broken too...
I hate myself for still caring about you while you don't even give a shit about me.
I love God, and I'm proud to say that.
I need you. I want you. I love you... Food.
I wanna go back to the old days when the phone would ring and I knew it was you.
I wish you cared about me like you care about your other friends.
If people are trying to bring you down, it only means that you are above them.
If you see someone today without a smile, give them one of yours. It will make their day. ?
I'm not gonna delete you from my life. I'm gonna leave you there, so you can see how happy I am without you.

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