filipino channel tv replay

filipino channel tv replay

filipino channel tv replay
It takes much bravery to stand up to our enemies, but we need as much bravery to stand up to our friends.
filipino channel tv replay
A single sentence spoken at the right time could change someones life forever. A little encouragement can go a long way.
As long as you're still the same person I fell for, my feelings won't ever change.
Being faithful isn't just not having sex with others, it's not doing anything you wouldn't do in front of your partner. ??
Count your blessings instead of your problems.
Do you ever wish you had a second chance to meet someone again for the first time?
Don't just talk about your dream. Make it a reality.
Don't you have anything better to do than be in my mind all day and night?!
Expecting too much is one way of hurting yourself.
Girls only want one thing... your hoodies.
Heart: "I'm broken" Brain: "I told you so".
I could be locked in a room with no tv, phone, or internet access and I'd probably still not do my homework.
I felt special until I realized you were the same damn way to every other girl.
I just hope tommorow when I wake up, everything's gonna be okay and better.
i may flirt, but I know exactly who I want.
I smile every time I hear your name.
I want you to miss me, like I'm missing you.
I'd rather hear a guy say, "I made plans for us" Instead of the usual, "I don't know, it's whatever you wanna do."
If you cant fly then run, if you cant run then walk, if you cant walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
I'm a girl. I cry over stupid boys. My room is a mess. Sometimes music is my only friend. I'm not perfect. I never will be, but I'm me.
I'm sorry that I can never be the PERFECT person you want me to be.

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