tambayan pinoy channel tv

tambayan pinoy channel tv

tambayan pinoy channel tv
It?s going to be a blast at the #Smart7107 from start to finish! Smart is even throwing an after party after day 1! COOL!
tambayan pinoy channel tv
A teenagers music will tell you more about them than their mouth ever could.
At night, I can't sleep. In the morning, I can't wake up.
Being nice to those you don't particularly like is not being two-faced, it's called growing up.
Cuddling before going to bed is 12 times more effective than sleeping pills.
Don?t expect to find the right person if you aren?t willing to let the wrong one go.
Don't let fear make the decisions for you.
eat ? eat ? ? eat ? eat
Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to.
Give laugh to all but smile to one, give love to all but heart to one and give life to all but live to one.
Hi, I miss you and I just want you to be here with me.
I didn't want you to leave.
I get jealous even if we're not dating.
I just want a cute, long lasting relationship.
I may see some people happily in love today, but I do believe that it?s gonna be my turn someday.
I still have feelings for you. And no matter how many times I tell myself that i?m better off without you, a part of me just won?t let go.
I was never ready for you to leave.
If a girl is silent, it's dangerous. They're either:
If you could just get off of my mind for 10 seconds... Maybe I could fall asleep.
Im a teen. I have a messy room. I spend most of my time online. I have private things on my cell. I go to bed late & Im crazy about 1 person
I'm the girl that everyone turns to fix their problems. Well this girl has her own problems. Even though i don't show them, I have them.

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