teleserye tambayan

teleserye tambayan

teleserye tambayan
It's amazing how you can hide so many tears behind a smile and this is life, we just have to be strong to face it.
teleserye tambayan
Accept me at my strongest, support me at my weakest.
Be a better person; make your enemies happy by giving them more reasons to hate you.
Believe in yourself, even when everyone else doesn't.
Dear Exam, You have no idea how nervous you make me.
Don't ask for my opinion then get mad when I tell you the truth.
Don't let what you've been through prevent you from getting through. Everything will pass. Be strong, and hold on.
Even if we fight a lot, I still want you in my life..
Feelings that come back are feelings that never went away in the first place.
God doesn't give the things we want, but the things we need. God doesn't give the people we want, but the people we need. Have faith!
Honestly, I would rather hear a guy say, "I made plans for us." Instead of the usual, "I don't know, it's whatever you wanna do.
I don't care how many fish there are in the sea. I don't want a fish, i want you!
I hate arguing, but I hate holding things in.
I keep telling myself that I don't miss you, and that I don't love you, hoping someday I'll believe it.
I miss our conversations.
I texted you, you didn't text me back. I feel stupid.
I wish exercising was as easy as eating.
If he's the right guy, he won't leave.
If you don't want to talk, just let me know. Instead of keeping me here waiting for a reply that's never going to come.
I'm done trying. If you want me in your life, let me know.
I'm your bestfriend, I will always be there even if you're hardly ever there for me.

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