tambayan ng pinoy

tambayan ng pinoy

tambayan ng pinoy
It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them but then an entire life to forget them.
tambayan ng pinoy
A relationship without trust will never work.
Arguing with someone and when it's all over, you think of a lot of shit you could have said.
Being called baby girl never gets old.
Congratulations Manny Pacquiao! #PinoyPride ??
do you ever need a five minute hug but only from like a specific person
Don't judge them for their choices when you don't know their reasons.
Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find it's way.
Everytime I say "How are you?" My head says "I miss you". Everytime I say "Take care" My heart whispers "I love you".
Girls never get mad for no reason. It may be over something small or stupid, but there's always a reason.
Heard Smart and Deezer are partnering! Excited to try it out and make my own playlist! #SmartDeezer
I cared too much and you didn't care enough.
I fell in love with you, I don't know how, I don't know when, I don't know where but I did.
I just don't have enough middle fingers for today.
I loved you so much. You just didn't care, so I stopped trying.
I sincerely regret every nap I passed up on as a child.
I want you to doubt me, it'll only make me work harder.
I'd rather have an enemy who says that they hate me than to keep a "friend" whose mission is to put me down.
If you can make her smile, and make her laugh, she's yours.
I'll never forget the first time I saw you, that smile, that made me smile too.
I'm sorry if I get jealous sometimes & overreact. It's only because there's a bigger chance of me losing you than you losing me.

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