pinoy shows replay

pinoy shows replay

pinoy shows replay
It seems like people start caring more when you don't.
pinoy shows replay
A relationship means giving the best of yourself to someone that truly deserves it.
Apologies don't mean anything when you keep on doing what you're apologizing for.
Behind every beautiful girl is the ugly relationship that made her scared to love again.
Choosing to be single isn't selfish, it's just smarter to be alone than with the wrong person.
Do what makes you happy.
Don't judge me unless you know me. Don't underestimate me unless you've challenged me. Don't talk about me unless you've talked to me.
Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.
Everything happens for a reason, the hard part is finding out what that reason is.
Girls are sensitive, they overthink every little thing and they care way more than they should, but that?s what makes their love so strong.
He cheated then he lied. He asked for another chance while she cried. She gave him another, knowing that he'll never change.
I can't promise that things will be perfect, but I swear I'll never leave..
I feel like I'll always have a thing for you. I don't know, there's just something about you that gets to me every time.
I have been putting a lot of thought into it & I just don't think being an adult is gonna work for me.
I love you more than I?ve ever found a way to say to you.
I say "alright" , "whatever" or "I guess" when I dont feel like arguing ??
I want to meet myself from someone else's point of view.
I?m so jealous of people who get to see you every day.
If you are brave enough to love, then you are strong enough to let go.
If you're talking about me behind my back that just means my life is obviously more interesting than yours.
I'm shy at first. But I do the stupidest random thing when I get comfortable with someone.

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