tambayan tv channel

tambayan tv channel

tambayan tv channel
It's been 276 days, 13 hours, and 24 minutes since we last spoke. But who's keeping track?
tambayan tv channel
Accept that you are enough. You don't need to be anything that you are not.
Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class.
Believe that dreams come true everyday, because they do.
Dear Feelings, I need you too move on.
Don't ask me what's wrong when you obviously know you are the problem.
Don't let yesterday make you forget all the happiness you deserve today.
Even if you lie to me once, it makes me question everything else you say.
Fi yuo cna raed tihs whit no porlbem, yuo aer smrat. Rtewete fi yuo aer smrat.
God gives miracles to those who believe, courage to those with faith, hope to those who dream, and love to those who accept.
Honestly, I'm glad I met everyone in my life. The good and the bad. The good make me thankful, the bad make me learn my lessons.
I don't care how old I am, when I see a bubble, I will hunt it down.
I hate being bored, I end up thinking too much.
I kinda like someone who gets jealous and protective but still trusts me.
I miss seeing your name show up on my phone.
I think a lot, but I don't say much.
I wish going to school could be as fun as having holiday.
If honesty scares someone off, they weren't all that invested in your life to begin with. Move on.
If you end up alone it's not going to be because people walked out of your life it's gonna be because you pushed them out.
I'm falling for you and I have no intention of catching myself because I know you are there to catch me.
Imagine having a 30-day trial of being a rich celebrity.

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