pinoy channel tv tambayan

pinoy channel tv tambayan

pinoy channel tv tambayan
It's all about having fun and enjoying life. #SmartLiveAllOut
pinoy channel tv tambayan
A true friend sees the pain in you eyes, even when you have a big smile on your face.
At the end of the day, I just want to have someone close to talk to.
Being single doesn't mean that you dont know anything about love, it just means you know enough to wait for it.
Cutting people out of my life doesn't mean I hate them, it simply means I respect me.
Don?t rush anything. When the time is right, it?ll happen.
Don't let someone else control what you do in life. It's your decisions, your outcomes, your life.
Emotionally I'm done. Mentally I'm drained. Spiritually I'm dead. Physically I smile.
Fake friends will laugh at your problems but best friends will cry with you.
Give your smile to everyone, but give your heart to only one.
Hold me like you'll never ever let me go.
I don?t care how many times I say I?m over you, seeing you with someone else?. Kills me.
I get re-pissed about an old situation whenever I start thinking about it again.
i just want someone who actually gives a shit about me and treats me like i matter for more than a few months
I miss ?US?.
I still remember the feelings I felt when we first started talking.
I went to sleep thinking about you and I woke up the exact same way.
If a kiss could say how much I love you, my lips would be on yours forever.
If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
I'm afraid if I told you I loved you, you wouldn't feel the same and our friendship would be over.
I'm the type of person who tries to fall back asleep in the morning, just to finish a dream.

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