tv replay pinoy

tv replay pinoy

tv replay pinoy
It takes thousand sweet efforts to build a great relationship yet one stupid error can destroy everything you have started!
tv replay pinoy
A smile doesn't always mean a person is happy. Sometimes it simply means they are strong enough to face their own problems.
As we grow older, we start to realize what we need & what to leave behind.
Being happy keeps you young. Being stressed is bad for your health. Do what makes you happy and delete the stress.
Covering your eyes during scary movies. But watching it through your fingers.
Do you wanna build a snowman? ????
Don't keep her waiting just because you know she will.
DREAM DATE: Take me to forever 21, Give me $1000, Leave.
Explaining your feelings to someone is never easy.
Girls remember everything.
Here's the truth about the truth : It hurts. So... we lie.
I cry because no words can explain exactly how I feel.
I forgive a lot, but I never forget what's said and done.
I just need someone who won't give up on me no matter what.
I may not be perfect but I am always me.
I spent half of my day thinking about you. I spent the other half thinking of how not to think about you.
I want you. Just you.
I'd rather love someone i can't have than have someone i can't love.
If you can't give me your everything, then I'd rather walk away with nothing.
I'm a girl... don't touch my hair, face, phone, or boyfriend.
I'm still a teenage virgin, also known as an endangered species.

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