gma pinoy tambayan

gma pinoy tambayan

gma pinoy tambayan
It is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.
gma pinoy tambayan
A real boyfriend never "gives up" on his girl. He fights for her.
And each time I whisper "I love you", I'm trying to remind you that you're the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Beauty isn't in your looks. It's your personality. Make up can't cover up a crappy personality.
Catching my attention is easy, keeping my interest is harder.
Distance sometimes lets you know who?s worth keeping and who?s worth letting go.
Don't give up hope. It always happens when you least expect it.
Don't trust too much. Don't love too much. Don't hope too much. Because that too much can hurt you so much.
Everyone has their own life. Create your best life, instead of agreeing or disagreeing with other people's lives.
Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you" and proved it.
have a heart of glass. I'm scared it might get smashed. But when you are in love, You have to take a chance.
I can choose to let it define me, confine me, refine me, outshine me..or I can move on & leave it BEHIND ME.
I don't want perfect, I want real.
I hate when people bring up mistakes you made a long time ago, over and over again.
I love those feelings in my stomach when I get a cute text.
I really miss you talking to me.
I want to be everything you need.
I?ll spend the rest of my life alone before I spend it with someone that doesn?t appreciate me.
If they can't empower you to be better, they'll only influence you to be worse.
If you're absent during my struggle, don't expect to be present during my success.
I'm okay today. I'll be okay tomorrow. And the next day after that I'll still be okay. But in a year you will see me, I'll be amazing.

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