wwwpinoy tambayan

wwwpinoy tambayan

wwwpinoy tambayan
It may be difficult right now, but in the end, we'll find a way.
wwwpinoy tambayan
A real relationship. Has fights. Has trust. Has faith. Has tears. Has hurt. Has laughter. Has weird, stupid, unnecessary arguments.
Anyone can love you when the sun is shining. But, in the storms is where you learn who truly cares for you.
Before you give away a piece of yourself, make sure the rest of you is whole to withstand the loss.
Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.
Do something! Even if it turns out wrong, we learn and improve from our mistakes.
Don't hate me because I wasn't who you thought I was or who you wanted me to be. From start to finish you never knew the real me.
Don't waste time on revenge. The people who hurt you will eventually face their own karma.
Everyone tells you that you deserve better but no one is willing to give it to you.
Getting hurt is a part of loving someone.
Having a heart and being afraid to love someone, is like having wings and being afraid of heights. Take a chance in life.
I can't help it. You're always on my mind.
I fall too fast, crash too hard, forgive too easy, and care too much.
I hate when you try to come back to my life after hurts me too much.
I love you a bit more everyday.
I remember when you used to care.
I want to feel my life. I want to stop agreeing to things I don't really want.
I?m not popular but I have amazing friends, I'm so grateful to have them in my life.
If we date, let's make it last.
If you're not willing to put in the effort, don't expect anything in return.
I'm sad, hurt, angry, mad, disappointed. But you know what? I'll put on a happy face and move on. It will hurt but I will survive.

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