pinoy tv tambayan replay

pinoy tv tambayan replay

pinoy tv tambayan replay
It is not about what is taken from you, it is about what you do with what you are left with.
pinoy tv tambayan replay
A Real girlfriend will be on your ass, text you everyday, fight with you, cares about you, listens to you, and loves you like no hoe has.
Anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others, it only changes yours.
Before I go to sleep I always picture what it would be like to fall asleep in your arms. It's probably the best feeling in the world.
Change your attitude and it will change your life.
Do it now. Sometimes later becomes never.
Don't give up on things that make you smile.
Don't wait for the perfect moment, take a moment and make it perfect.
Everyone is going to disappoint you in some way, you just have to find the ones who are worth it.
From strangers to friends. From friends to best friends. From best friends to lovers. From lovers to ex. From ex to strangers with memories.
Have the courage to make the change! YOUR life is waiting on you.
I can watch spongebob for million times and it never gets old.
I don't want to care but somehow I still do.
I hate when people think I'm in a bad mood just because I'm being quiet.
I love to cuddle with you. The only reason I like cold weather.
I really wish you would just swallow your pride for once and admit that you really do miss me.
I want to be with someone who has experienced having a broken heart. So they know exactly how it feels and won't break mine.
I?m always here for you, not because i wan?t you to be with me but because i want to be with you.
If two people are happy together, leave them alone.
If you're going to make them fall, be sure you're willing to catch them.
I'm pretty sure if I didn't always text you first we would never talk again

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