pinoy channel tv today 24

pinoy channel tv today 24

pinoy channel tv today 24
It takes time to build trust, but it only takes one mistake to mess it up.
pinoy channel tv today 24
A smile hides a thousand tears and a broken heart.
As we grow older, we start to realize what we need and what to leave behind.
Being hugged when you are crying, makes you cry even more.
Co?nt yo?r blessings.
Does it bother me? Yes. Will I ever tell you? No.
Don't keep running back to the one person that you need to walk away from.
Dream it. Wish it. Do it.
Explaining your feelings to someone is seriously the hardest thing ever.
Girls say they're ugly when guys say they're beautiful because they wanna keep hearing it over and over.
Here's to that one friend that eats like an elephant and never gains weight. I SECRETLY HATE YOU.
I did in the bed. I did it on the couch. I did it in the car. Texting is such an obsession.
I fought for you, but you weren't willing to fight for me. I'm done.
I just need to find someone who enjoys my awkwardness, loves me even when I'm mean, and laughs at my jokes even when they're not funny.
I may not be perfect, but at least I know who I am.
I stay home alone, listen to music, and think too much.
I want you. Nothing else, just you.
I'd rather stay quiet than explain my problems to people who don't care.
If you can't see your own value, don't expect others to as well.
I'm a good pretender, I smile behind the pain and heartaches.
I'm still and always in love with the person you used to be.

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