tv tambayan

tv tambayan

tv tambayan
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
tv tambayan
A real friend is not the one who only entertains you, but one who cares about you, one who will be there when you cry.
Anger is just sadness and disappointment in disguise.
Before I die, I just want to make my parents happy and proud of me.
Change is something that many people fear, but we never should really fear if the change is for the better.
Do I miss you? Yeah. Do I want you back? No.
Don't give up on the people you love. Your patience and faithfulness may be exactly what they need to make a complete turnaround.
Don't use your energy to worry. Use your energy to create, to hope and to believe.
Everyone is beautiful in their own way.
From all the bad things that happened, I've learned, from all the good things that happened, I've been thankful, I love you GOD.
Have lower expectations and you'll have less disappointments.
I can never imagine a life without internet connection.
I don't want someone who thinks I'm perfect, I want someone who knows I'm not but loves me anyway.
I hate when people tell me I've changed, when they never even knew me at all.
I love those random memories that make me smile no matter what is going on in my life.
I really want to talk to you but I want you to start it first and I wish you knew.
I want to be the one you miss...
I?m a very independent person, that means I don?t need you or your bullshit.
If two people are happy together leave them alone.
If you're dumb enough to let me go, someone else will be smart enough to catch me and never make your mistake.
I'm over you, I'm over you, I'm over you, I'm over you, I'm over you, I'm finally over you. "Hi." Fuck.

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