pinoy series watch online

pinoy series watch online

pinoy series watch online
It's amazing how one little conversation can change things, forever
pinoy series watch online
A winner never stops trying.
Bad decisions make good stories.
Being someone's first love is great, but being someone's last love is beyond perfect.
Dear boys, when a girl says "I'm fine." talk to her until the real truth comes out.
Don't allow your wounds to transform you into someone you're not.
Don't let something that doesn't matter, Cause you to lose something that does.
Enough for the heartbreaks, tears that I dropped for you, maybe I should try to.. Move on.
Fate is what brought us together, and love is what keeps us together.
Go ahead and doubt me. I promise I'll prove you wrong.
Homework + Weekend = The perfect way to ruin my happiness.
I don't argue. I just explain why I'm right, in a loud angry tone.
I gotta carry my phone around with me 24/7 just in case nobody texts me.
I just want to spend the rest of my life with someone who makes me smile, laugh, feel special, and supports me.
I miss him. I know I shouldn't. If only I knew what you felt. I wouldn't think I was going crazy.
i swear, I'm moody, I'm sarcastic, I'm funny, I'm honest . I'm many things , but in reality I'm just me??
I will never regret being with you... because once upon a time, you were exactly what I needed.
If he loves you, he will make time for you.
If you don't like, don't look.
I'm bipolar, sensitive, I say stuff I don't mean, I get in my feelings QUICK, I get mad over the smallest things. Sorry that is just me.
I'm tired, of waiting for you to text me, waiting for you to care.

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