tambayan ng pinoy online

tambayan ng pinoy online

tambayan ng pinoy online
It's a beautiful thing to meet someone who makes you forget your troubles.
tambayan ng pinoy online
A true friend is someone you can talk about nothing with for hours.
At some point you you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart, but not in your life.
Being silent is a great way to let someone know they did something wrong.
Current mood: want to cuddle ??
Don?t play hard to get, play hard to forget.
Don't let some boy fuck up your summer.
Embrace the difficulties and just keep moving forward. Life will be as easy or as hard as you make it.
Fake friends only appear when they want something from you.
Give without expecting something in return. You make someone else happy and you don't have to wait to feel good.
High school made me realize that a lot of people will change just to fit in.
I don`t need a perfect relationship, I just need someone who won`t give up on me.
I get jealous. Don't touch, talk to, or flirt with what's mine.
I just want perfect skin and hair and teeth and body proportions and endless supply of money and intelligence. Is that too much to ask for?
I might not text you first, but that doesn't mean im not dying to talk to you.
I still remember our first kiss.
I wasn't mad. Then you asked me 10 times if I was mad. Now I'm mad.
If a guy really likes you, he will listen to what you have to say, not what he heard from someone else. ????
If you do the small things right, then the big things will happen.
I'm actually really nice, until you annoy me.
I'm the type of person that will try to make everyone smile, but when I'm in need of a smile, who's gonna be there for me?

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