tambayan ng mga pinoy

tambayan ng mga pinoy

tambayan ng mga pinoy
It takes years to build up trust and only seconds to destroy it.
tambayan ng mga pinoy
A smile is a curve that can set everything straight.
As we grow up, we realize it becomes less important to have a ton of friends, and more important to have *REAL* ones.
Being hurt is something you can't stop from happening, but being miserable is always your choice.
Crush, Could today be the day I see that smile of yours?
Does your heart stops when my name pops on your phone? Do you smile when you text me? Do you save my messages? Do you look back at my texts?
Don't lead someone on. If you like someone, then tell them. If you just want to be friends, then don't make them think they have a chance.
Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be. Cause you only have one life and one chance to do it all
Express yourself and don't mind about what other people say, 'cause in the end, it's you, not them!
Girls suffer from PMS, periods, cramps, childbirth, shaving, plucking, makeup dilemmas and high heels. Guys just complain.
Here's to the people who always have a smile on their face and no matter what they're going through, they put others before them.
I did not make plans to fall in love with you, but I made plans to make you happy ever since then.
I fuck up sometimes, but I'll never cheat.
I just really love it when you text me first.
I may not be perfect, but at least I'm not fake.
I stay loyal, always.
I want you. Simple as that.
I'd rather walk alone, than chase you around. I'd rather fall by myself, than have you bring me down.
If you can't see yourself lasting 10 years+ with a person in a relationship, then you're both just wasting each other's time.
I'm a hard person to love, but when I do, I love hard.
I'm still holding on to something that I know will never happen, because inside me, I have this little piece of hope that someday, it will.

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