movie movie movie
It's amazing how a person who was a stranger yesterday, can today suddenly mean the world to you. movie
A true relationship is having someone who accepts your past, supports your present, loves you and encourages your future.
Attitude is a choice. Think positive thoughts daily. Believe in yourself.
Being single is not necessarily a bad thing. It is much better than being in an unhealthy relationship with the wrong person.
Dear best friend, I honestly don't know what I would do without you.
Don?t be afraid to make mistakes. Be afraid of not learning from them.
Don't let someone walk all over you, you deserve better than that.
Enjoy life today because yesterday is gone and tomorrow is never promised.
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Giving up doesn't always mean you're weak, sometimes it means you are strong and smart enough to let go and move on.
Hold onto hope, love.
I don?t know where I stand with u & I don?t know what I mean to u. All I know is everytime I think of u, all I want to do is be with you.
I give short replies when I'm in a bad mood.
I just want to cuddle and watch movies with you.
I miss being a kid. No one cares how you dresses, we were all friends, and you could be yourself.
I stopped caring because you stopped trying.
I will fight everyday of my life for you.
If being popular means sleeping with random people, doing drugs, and bullying, I don't wanna be popular.
If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me, and we can make fun of people together.
I'm all yours, if you're all mine.
I'm tired of getting lied to, tired of being used, tired of fake people, tired of pleasing people, tired of judgmental people. Just tired.

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