pinoy tv series replay

pinoy tv series replay

pinoy tv series replay
It is amazing what you can do when you try.
pinoy tv series replay
A real boyfriend makes sure his girl knows how beautiful she is in his eyes, and how much she means to him. ??
An ugly personality will ruin a beautiful face.
Beauty isn't about make up and being thin, beauty is on the inside and being yourself because everyone is beautiful in their own ways.
Catch no feelings, feel no pain.
Distance shows you who's worth keeping and who's worth letting go.
Don't give up because God's love and glory is always there and will never ever fail you.
Don't trust too much. Don't love too much. Don't hope too much. Because that too much can hurt so much.
Everyone has problems. Some people are just better at hiding them than others.
Friendship isn't about who you've known longest, it's about who came and never left your side.
hating me won't make you relevant
I can choose to let it define me, confine me, refine me, outshine me, or I can choose to move on and leave it behind me.
I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss your lips, be in your arms, be the one you love. I don't want anyone to take my place.
I hate when people act like they don't know me until they need something.
I love thinking about him..
I really like you. A lot. I know sometimes I mess up and do things that make it seem like I don't care but trust me, you're my world.
I want the old you back.
I?ll never break your heart. Give me a chance and I?ll prove it to you.
If they can make you laugh, they can make you happy.
If your struggling in your relationship check out my last tweet. These things really will help you!
I'm not walking away from you or what we have. I'm just letting you go because I can't remember why I held on tight for so damn long.

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