tambayan reply

tambayan reply

tambayan reply
It is never too late to make things right.
tambayan reply
A real girlfriend will be on your ass, text you everyday, fight with you, cares about you, listens to you and loves you like no hoe has.
Anger won't make your problems easier. Tears won't bring back what is gone. But smile, and gratitude will make you stronger.
Before I die, I want to grow old with someone I love. ?
Change should be expected and embraced, because it can't be stopped.
Do it now, because Sometimes become Never.
Don't give up on the things God has placed in your heart. Keep pushing and praying he will direct you.
Don't wait for someone to make you happy. Make yourself happy and one day someone will be happy to have you.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how right or wrong they are. Quit worrying about what others think.
From good things, I learn to be a thankful person. From bad things, I learn to be a strong person.
Have patience and everything will resolve itself.
I can never stay mad at you we been through a lot and I feel you deserve everything.
I don't want to be your favorite or your best. I want to be your only and forget the rest.
I hate when people tell me stuff about my EX as if I'm supposed to feel some type of way. I DON'T CARE!
I love those random memories that make you smile no matter what is going on in your life.
I really wish there was something that I could do to make you fall in love with me.
I want to be the reason for that smile of yours.
I?m afraid to hope and I?m afraid not to.
If two people are happy together, leave them alone!
If you're fortunate enough to get a second chance, don't waste it.
I'm physically, mentally, emotionally tired, I feel like I need a break from life.

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