teleserye pinoy online

teleserye pinoy online

teleserye pinoy online
It sucks when you know that you need to let go but you can't, because you're still waiting for the impossible to happen.
teleserye pinoy online
A relationship where you instantly miss each other right after being together.??????
Appreciate those who love you. Help those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you.
Being able to forgive, means you're also able to move forward.
Complaining about being lonely, yet ignoring 99% of the people who interact with you.
Do you ever just crave someone's presence? Like you would literally be happy just sitting next to them. It could be dead silent but perfect
Don't judge people until you truly know them. The truth might surprise you.
Don't worry if you're single. God is looking at you right now, saying, "I'm saving this one for someone special."
Everything was perfect until you decided I wasn?t.
GIRLS find out everything. I advise you to not lie to them!
He lies. She cries. He's not sorry, but he apologizes. She complains, he doesn't change. But yet, she still stays.
I can't wait for it to be summer!
I feel stupid for liking you that much.
I honestly just miss you.
I love you.
i seriously just wanna cuddle up and watch an old disney movie with hot chocolate and ignore life and everyone and everything
I want to throw a party with fake alcohol and see how many morons act wasted.
I'd like to fall asleep with you.
If you blame it on someone else, don't expect it to get better.
I'll have a lot of moments with many people. But the moment that means to me most is the one WE have.
I'm so happy I met you.

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