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It's better to be alone rather than being with someone who makes you feel like you're alone.
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Accept the past, manage the present and work hard towards the future.
Be a good person. A good friend. Live the life you want. Follow your dreams.
Best Friend = A shoulder to cry on + An entertainer who can make me laugh + A secret keeper.
Dear girls who take a pic in slutty clothing & glasses & label the caption "nerddd lol" You're not a nerd, you're a whore who found glasses.
Don't ask why people keep hurting you. Ask yourself why don't you stop caring about them.
Don't let your emotions distract you from doing what needs to be done. Control your emotions or your emotions will control you.
Even if your best friends are far away from you, they're still in your heart.
Fight for the things you love, no matter what.
God has a perfect timing for everything. You must wait on His timing.
Honestly, l feel really stupid for holding on to things that just keep on hurting me.
I don't care how we met, I'm just happy we did, I'm happy that I have you in my life.
I hate being jealous when I know I shouldn't be.
I know everything happens for a reason. But sometimes I wish I knew what that reason was.
I miss text messages from you.
I think about "Us" a lot. Even when "Us" doesn't exist.
I wish I can google how my crush feels about me.
If I could be with anyone, it would still be you.
If you feel distant from God, you can be sure He hasn't moved. Talk to Him daily and you will feel Him closer than ever.
I'm far from perfect. I could have a flatter stomach, clearer skin, whiter teeth, better hair, etc. But at least I don't have an ugly heart.
Imagining how stupidly cute you was when you were young, thinking that tooth fairies really exist.

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