watch pinoy teleserye online

watch pinoy teleserye online

watch pinoy teleserye online
It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.
watch pinoy teleserye online
A real boyfriend: Calls you for nothing, texts you all the time, wants to see you, cries,gets jealous,is overprotective and loves you.
And Jennifer Lawrence wins Supporting Actress! #GoldenGIobes
Become better and you attract better.
Change is a necessary part of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.
Do boys actually get real crushes on girls or is that just an urban myth?
Don't give up on love, because there is always someone who loves you. Even if it's not the person you were hoping for.
Don't try to understand everything because sometimes it's not meant to be understood, but to be accepted.
Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.
Friendships is where you can mess around and play fight and tease each other and being an idiot together yet still enjoy everything together
Have faith and stay positive because it will get better.
I can go days without talking to you, months without seeing you, but not a second goes by that I'm not thinking about you.
I don't want someone perfect, just someone who cares enough to be with me through everything.
I hate when people ignore my texts.
I love those people you can joke around with and have so much fun with and then have a deep conversation with and it?s not weird at all.
I really want to be with you right now.
I want to be the girl he's afraid to lose.
I?m a good enough person to forgive you, but I?m not stupid enough to trust you again.
If they took you for granted, let them go. Walk away and find someone better, someone you deserve, someone who treats you right.
If you're brave enough to say goodbye, the world will reward you with a new hello.
I'm one of those people who always acts happy and puts on a smile to cover-up the pain and misery going on inside.

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