pinoy channel tv today tambayan

pinoy channel tv today tambayan

pinoy channel tv today tambayan
Instead of focusing on all the bad, be thankful for all the good. Each day you have is a blessing from God. Enjoy life.
pinoy channel tv today tambayan
A heartbreak is a blessing from God, its just His way of letting you realize that He saved you from the wrong one.
Always be thankful for everything you have.
Be strong, you never know who you are inspiring.
Break ups aren't always meant for make ups. Sometimes relationships end in order for you to wake up.
Dear Someone, I may not have the prettiest face for you to look at but I do promise I have the biggest heart to love you with.
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present & make it beautiful.
Don't rush it. When it's right, you'll know. If it's supposed to happen, it will.
Every story has an ending, but in life every ending is just a new beginning.
Forget all the reasons why it won't work and believe the one reason why it will.
Hakuna Ma'Vodka It means no memories, for the rest of your night.
I always wonder if you're smiling at my texts the way I'm smiling at yours.
I don't like who you've become, and I'm sure as hell not sticking around to see who you''ll turn to be.
I hate opening a text that I know is going to make my heart drop.
I love hearing "I saw this and thought of you"
I NEVER dream of having a PERFECT RELATIONSHIP, but i always dream of having a long time relationship not for months but for a LIFETIME.
I wanna unmeet you. I wanna start my life over and erase you completely from my life.
I wish you could see the stupid smile I get when we're texting.
If Plan A doesn?t work, the alphabet has 25 more letters.
If you stay, stay forever.
I'm not gonna stop being myself, just because people criticize it.

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