pinoy tamabayan

pinoy tamabayan

pinoy tamabayan
Instagram: TheseDamnQuote ??
pinoy tamabayan
A guy's biggest mistake, is giving another guy the opportunity to make his girl smile.
Always be positive. Don't let negative people hold you back from your dreams.
Be strong, I know you can. I believe in you.
Boys, if you really care about her, you'll make time for her. Its not hard to pick up a phone and send a text message.
Dear smile, thank you for hiding my million tears sincerely, me.
Don't cry because they left. Just smile because they gave you a chance to find someone better.
Don't rush and never settle. If it's meant to be, it will be.
Every relationship has ups and downs, you should never expect perfection from somebody.
Forget about Romeo and Juliet, forget about Edward and Bella, the perfect love story I want to make is our own, You and I ?
Guys, text her first, it shows that you thought about her.
I always think of you before I fall asleep. The words you said. The things we laughed about, and the silent moments we shared.
I don't know where you're going, or when you're coming home.
I hate mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays, thursdays and half of friday.
I love girls who can keep a conversation going, no matter how stupid or random it is.
I need you, miss you, want you, love you.
I wanna be your last kiss, last love, and last everything.
I wish you and I would start talking again..
If only you could delete feelings the same way you delete text messages.
If you really want to be happy, then stop being afraid of being yourself & stop thinking about what others think of you. Just be you.
I'm not gonna change for anyone, I don't care what people think, because I am me, and proud of it.

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