pinoy tambaya

pinoy tambaya

pinoy tambaya
Internet off = Don't know what to do with my life.
pinoy tambaya
A little girl seeks revenge. A real woman moves on while karma does the dirty work.
Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life but will surely add life to your years.
Be thankful your still breathing, because someone out there just took their last breath.
Brushing your teeth six times before you go to the dentist so they think you have really good teeth.
Dear Teachers who always ask us to do so many homework everyday, we students are not a robot.
Don't even bother responding to others' negativity. If you let it consume you, it will bring you down. Ignore the negativity.
Don't say what you don't mean.
Every time I want to give up on you there's always something inside telling me to just give it time.
Forgive and forget. NOT revenge and regret.
Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy.
I am my problem and also my solution.
I don't need a lot of friends, I need a lot of True friends who stay real behind and in front of me.
I hate that every time I'm about to give up, you keep giving me reasons to stay.
I love it when you share everything only with me.
I never stopped missing you.
I want a hug. Not just a normal hug, one of those tight hugs that take my breath away, give me butterflies, and make me smile like crazy.
I wish you would sneak up behind me, whisper in my ear and tell me all the things I've been dying to hear.
If someone doesn't appreciate your efforts, stop trying to please them. If they don't appreciate you, they don't deserve you.
If you truly love someone, the only thing you want for them is to be happy, even if it's not with you. ????
I'm not mad. I'm hurt. There's a difference.

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