

It all comes down to the last person you think about at night. That's who you truly care about.
A mom's smile can brighten our days at any moment, her hugs put joy in all our days and her love will stay with us forever.
Always listen to your heart, because even though it's on your left side... it's always right.
Be true, be you.
Call me jealous or whatever, but you're mine and I don't like sharing.
Dear whoever is reading this, you're beautiful and someone out there is crazy about you. So smile. Life is too short to be unhappy.
Don't ever think you're nothing. Somewhere along the line, there's someone who truly thinks you're everything.
Don't stop doing what you did to get them once you have them.
Everybody has bigger problem than what you see. Stop thinking as if yours was the biggest one.
Forgiveness clears the pain faster than revenge.
Happiness starts with, one word, one joke, one text, one phone call, one song, one hug, one kiss... and stops with one mistake.
I am so shocked Zayn Malik is leaving One Direction...
I don't need my life to be perfect like those disney movies, I just want to have a happy life and enjoy it.
I hate that moment when people smoke around me and all of a sudden my clothes smell like cigarettes.
I love people I can be weird with.
I notice everything, I just act like I don't...
I want a relationship where we can be boring as hell around each other and still be completely okay with that.
I wonder if we'll ever talk again like we used to.
If someone makes it that easy to walk right out of your life, then they shouldn't have been there to begin with.
If you want me, then fight for me. Cause I'm fighting like hell for you.
I'm not perfect but you'll never find someone who loves you as much as I do.

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