

In a relationship, honesty and trust must exist. If they don't, theres no point of loving. So if you cant afford to be honest, stay single.
A bitter person after the break-up is going to be the sweetest person you will know when he falls in love again.
Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they want to be.
Be careful who you give your heart to. Because when you give your heart to someone, you also give them the power to hurt you.
Best friends are people you know you don't need to talk to every single day, but when you do, it's like you never stopped talking.
Dear God, I will never be able to thank you enough for always being there for me.
Don't be afraid of change. You may lose something good, but you may gain something even better.
Don't lie to people that trust you, and don't trust people that lie to you.
Even though I walked away. Even though you hurt me. I still can't let you go. You'll always be in my heart.
Find a way, not an excuse.
God knows who belongs in your life and who doesn?t. Trust and let go. Whoever is meant to be there, will still be there.
How are you??? ?s?a?d?,? ?? ?b?r?o?k?e?n?,? ? ?? d?e?f?e?a?t?e?d?,? ? ?? c?r?u?s?h?e?d?,? ?? ?l?o?n?e?l?y?,?
I don't care what you have to say, my hearts not in the mood. Though I really love you, You just keep hurting me.
I hate feeling unwanted and unimportant to people that I want and are important to me.
I know its hard right now, but you will get through it somehow
I miss those midnight conversations and I miss how you would make me laugh out of my own frustrations.
I think it's funny that people who treat you like shit get offended when you finally do the same to them.
I wish I could go back to the day I met you and just walk away. Because honestly it would've saved me so much hurt and pain.
If I fall asleep texting you at night, its not because your boring. Its because I like you too much to end the conversation.
If you have a dream, don't ever give up on it no matter what.
I'm good at pretending that I'm okay...

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