replay pinoy

replay pinoy

replay pinoy
It hurts doesn't it, the way you remember your past lover through someone new.
replay pinoy
A person who truly loves you will never let you go or give up on you, no matter how hard the situation is.
Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, and regret can last for a lifetime.
Be yourself no matter what they say.
Care too little .. You'll lose them. Care too much .. you'll get hurt.
Dimples are fucking attractive.
Don't find reasons to stay with someone who always finds a reason to leave.
Don't tell me you care when I'm the one who always ask about you.
Everyone deserves happiness.
Friends make memories.
Hardest thing ever? Controlling your laughter at serious times.
I believe in second chances. I just don't think everybody deserves them.
I don't trust words, I trust actions.
I hate waiting the entire week to watch the next episode of my favorite show.
I love texting people who reply super fast.
I really do miss you. But I know better than to accept you again.
I want someone who doesn't need to say that he loves me for me to know its true.
I would be lying if I said I didn't miss you
If someone you love hurts you, its okay to cry a river just make sure you don't forget to build a damn bridge and get over it.
If you were happy with the wrong person, imagine how happy you'll be with the right one.
I'm not sure how to impress you so I hope being myself is good enough.

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