tambayan pinoy tv channel

tambayan pinoy tv channel

tambayan pinoy tv channel
Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone is missing.
tambayan pinoy tv channel
A jealous girlfriend is a faithful girlfriend. If she doesn't get jealous when someone has your attention, it's because someone has hers.
Always be yourself, no matter how weird you are, anyone who's worth it will love you for being you.
Be thankful for the breath you just took, because someone out there just took their last.
Breathe. It's just a bad day, not a bad life.
Dear Someone, Judge me only if you're perfect, thanks.
Don't despise what you've been through. You needed the lessons.
Don't save a spot for someone who won't make an effort to stay.
Every time I say How are you? My head says I miss you. Everytime I say Take care My heart whispers I love you.
Forget those people who push you away. They don't deserve a part in your life.
Happiness comes from within, your's to have, your's to keep, your's to share.
I am confident because I can admit who I am, what I've done and love myself for who I've become.
I don't miss you, I miss the memories. I miss how special you made me feel.
i hate remembering good times that i had with people who ended up being really shitty to me
I love him but I cannot show it, want him but he cannot know it, need him but I know it'll never be, if only he needed me.
I never knew love was true until the day that I met you.
I want a cute, long relationship where everyone is like, "damn they're still together?"
I wish you still cared.
If she gives you another chance, then she loves you and she's a keeper, now show her why she should keep you.
If you text them, it mens you miss them. If you wait for them to text you, then you're just waiting for them to miss you.
I'm not jealous, but when something is mine, it's mine.

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