

Inhale love, Exhale hate.
A great relationship is about two things, first, find out the similarities, second, respect the differences.
All the little things that annoyed you so much are the things you'll miss the most when they're gone.
Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.
Boy: So, you like bad boys? Girl: Yeah. Boy: Well, not to impress you or anything but at Walmart I enter through the exit.
Dear School, Can you please just stop giving me tons of homework and let me enjoy my life for once.
Don't compare yourself to others, you are you. No one could come close to being you even if they tried.
Don't punish your "next" for what your "ex" did.
Every new day is another chance to change your life.
For once, I want you to care about me like I care about you.
Guys have no idea how long something they said can stay in a girl's mind.
I admit, I really miss how things used to be. But I can also admit, that I've accepted the fact that things have changed.
I don't know what I do wrong but it seems like I'm always the second choice for everybody.
I hate it when you finally get over someone, they have the urge to come back into your life & you end up falling for them again.
I love boys with cute smiles.
I need to forget about you, just like you did about me.
I wanna be the girl you fall for when everyone else is falling for you.
I wish tweeting could burn calories and fat, I'd be super healhty.
If it's worth the risk, don't be afraid to take the fall.
If you pay too much attention to hate, they win...they bring you down. Too much love in the world to deal with that nonsense. Be positive.
I'm not clumsy It's just the floor hates me; the tables and chairs are bullies;

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