tv pinoy

tv pinoy

tv pinoy
In the end, you'll know who really loves you. They're the ones who see you for who you are and no matter what, are always by your side.
tv pinoy
A girl's laugh is much more cheerful than a boys. But a boy's tears are much more meaningful than a girls
All it takes is 1 song to bring back 1,000 memories.
Be patient. Things will change for the better.
Black Friday is the closest America will ever come to The Purge.
Dear Monday, I'm not really in the mood, be nice please.
Don't chase people. Be you, do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay.
Don't play with someone's heart if you have no intentions for a serious relationship.
Every girl wants to be told that she is stunning, because for those few seconds... she'll feel like she's flying.
Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.
Goodbyes make you think. They make you realize who you had, what you lost, and what you've taken for granted.
Hurting someone with the truth is better than making them happy with a lie.
I don't know how people can fake whole relationships.. I can't even fake a hello to somebody I don't like.
I hate it when parents say "No" but don't have a reason.
I live, I love, I laugh, I cry, I know I'm not perfect but no one is.
I miss your smile...
I used to miss you so much, but I never really felt like you missed me back, and so I guess I just stopped missing you.
I wish my feelings had a delete button..
If it still hurts, you still care.
If you miss her, you should tell her. If you love her, you should show it. She's worth the hurt, you already know it. Make her feel special
I'm not actually mad at you, I just want you to care.

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