watch filipino teleserye

watch filipino teleserye

watch filipino teleserye
Isn't it ironic that the only person who can make you really happy , is the same person who makes you sad and lonely?
watch filipino teleserye
A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talk to each other instead of about each other.
Always keep your head up, because if it's down you won't be able to see the blessings that have been placed in your life.
Be the type of person you want to meet.
By forgiving and choosing to move on, one takes the power back to morph it into positive energy.
Dear Weekend, be fun and be great please.
Don't ever forget who was there for you when no one else was.
Don't sit around and try to change your past, when you have your entire future to look forward to.
Everybody deserves second chances, but not for the same mistakes.
Forgive those that hurt you but never forget the lesson that it taught you.
Happiness isn't getting all you want. It's enjoying all you have.
I am of those people who realize a lot but say nothing.
I don't need anyone in my life who doesn't wanna be there.
I hate that I can't get over you.
I love my mom no matter what goes through, no matter how much we argue, because I know, at the end, she'll always gonna be there.
I never wanted to be your whole life, just your favorite part.
I want a relationship that'll NEVER fade when the rumors come. We just laugh and remain strong. ?
I wonder how many times we'll say goodbye before we actually let go.
If someone is constantly bringing you down, cut them out of your life. It's that simple.
If you want me in your life, put me there. I should not have to fight for a spot.
I'm not perfect but I will do my best for you.

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