watch tagalog teleserye

watch tagalog teleserye

watch tagalog teleserye
It hurts when you expect so much more from the person you love, but they continue to disappoint you.
watch tagalog teleserye
A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes.
Always trust in yourself; you know more than you think you do.
Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.
Care too little... You'll lose them. Care too much... You'll get hurt.
Disney should make a hairless princess, so little girls with cancer can feel beautiful, as well.
Don't force someone to make time for you. If they really want to, they will.
Don't tell your problems to anyone. 80% don't care and 20% are glad you have them.
Everyone has a secret.
Friends you've had for years can change in a matter of weeks.
Hate it when you can't stop thinking about that one person, and deep down inside you know they're not thinking about you.
I can admit, I'm a different person now than I was a year ago.
I don't understand our relationship. Sometimes, we're friends. Sometimes, we're more then friends. Other times, I'm just a stranger to you
I hate when I am taking a math test and my answer is nowhere near the multiple choices.
I love that feeling when someone cancels plans that you didn't want to attend anyways.
I really hate "not good enough" feeling.
I want someone who will love the worst in me, someone who will accept my imperfections and embrace my force without hesitation.
I would rather have an honest enemy, than a fake friend.
If something's meant to happen, it will happen.. Right time, right person, and for the best reason.
If you would like to be a part of my future, don't judge me for my past.
I'm not telling you its going to be easy, i'm telling you its going to be worth it.

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