www.pinoy tambayan tv channel

www.pinoy tambayan tv channel

www.pinoy tambayan tv channel
Insecurities can destroy a perfect friendship and relationship.
www.pinoy tambayan tv channel
A guy blowing up a girls phone with cute stuff when she's asleep will never get old.
All we can do is learn from the past and make peace with it.
Be strong now, because it will get better. It may be stormy now, but it can't rain forever.
Boys never realize how much one little thing can hurt a girl.
Dear School, I just want a break, I just wanna have some fun for a while not a bunch of stressful homeworks.
Don't confuse the people who are always around with the people who are always there.
Don't put your happiness in the hands of someone else, because in the end, you're the one who decides if you are happy or not.
Every phone should have the same charger. ReTweet if you agree! :)
For those who do not want change... nothing changes.
Guys who kiss a girl to shut her up.
I always hate being the first to start a conversation.
I don't know what my future holds, but I'm hoping you're in it.
I hate it when you're always there for people, but when you need someone, nobody's there for you.
I love friends who always know how to make me smile in my pain.
I need to stop overthinking.
I wanna be the person you fall for when everybody else is falling for you.
I wish we could go back to how we use to be, I miss that. ?
If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.
If you really love someone, time and distance will not make you forget them.
I'm not even gonna get mad anymore. I'm just going to learn to expect the lowest out of the people I thought the highest of.

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