pinoy tambayan tv

pinoy tambayan tv

pinoy tambayan tv
In life you will realize that there is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some will test you, some will use you, and some will teach you.
pinoy tambayan tv
A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering.
Admit it, you don't text your crush first because you're afraid you're being annoying.
Be crazy. Be stupid. Be silly. Be weird. Be whatever. Because life is too short to be anything but happy.
Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier.
Dear Google, Thanks for always helping me doing my homework, you're always there, love you.
Don't be mad because I said I don't give a damn. Be mad because I once did and you were too blind to see.
Don't lose yourself a priceless queen chasing these worthless hoes.
Every day there is something new. It's up to each of us to go out and find it. Never stop experiencing, living, learning.
Find somoene who know that you're not perfect but treats you as if you are ??
GOING TO A FRIENDS HOUSE; Normal people: "What a lovely home!" Me: "What's your wifi password."
How I use my phone: 50% to check the internet 20% to text 15% to take photos 10% check the time 5% to actually call
I don't forgive people because I'm weak, i forgive them because I'm smart enough to understand that people make mistakes.
I hate how I'm always excited to talk to you, and you act like you just don't care.
I like it when you smile but I love it when I'm the reason..
I miss you, all day, every day. And you can't even imagine how pathetic it makes me feel, because I don't even know if you miss me back.
I think the worst feeling in the world is knowing that someone you used to talk to everyday doesnt care about you anymore ??
I wish I could rewind time.
if I never met my best friends, my life would be boring and nothing.
If you leave, just know that you're taking my heart with you.
I'm just sick of pretending to be happy.

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