

In life we are much easier to give advice to others, than to do it to ourselves.
A difference in your life today will start when you choose to MOVE ON from what happened YESTERDAY.
Admit it, you care about someone who probably doesn't care about you.
Be crazy, stupid, weird, strange, whatever. Life is too short to be anything but happy.
Best friends don't let you do stupid things.....alone.
Dear God, you're my every hope, every strength, every reason to live, thank you for always being with me.
Don't be mad because I left, be mad because you pushed me away.
Don't look down and be depressed. Look up and you will be blessed.
Every day there is a chance. You just have to believe in your dreams.
Find someone worth your tears, your laughter, and your heart. Someone that loves you as much as you love them.
Going crazy + Having fun with best friends = Stress and Sadness killer.
How I use my phone: 50% to check the internet 20% to text 15% to take photos 10% check the time 5% to actually call
I don't forgive people because I am weak. I forgive them because I am strong enough to know people make mistakes.
I hate how I let the dumbest things bother me sometimes.
I like guys who smell really good, have a sense of humor, and give good hugs.
I miss you right now. Seriously.
I think the words you stop yourself from saying are the ones that will haunt you the longest. - Taylor Swift
I wish I could re-live some nights.
If I loved you enough to let you go, would you love me enough to come back?
If you know someone is already taken, please respect their relationship. Don't be the reason they end up single.
I'm just human, I have weaknesses, I make mistakes and I experience sadness; but I learn from all these things to make me a better person..

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